When we founded Virtuance 10 years ago, we had a vision for enabling real estate professionals to sell homes faster and for more money by offering the most effective visual marketing possible and creating a fast, consistent, affordable experience for our clients.

Over the last 10 years, Virtuance has supported the sale of nearly 400,000 homes, helping our clients earn roughly $4 billion in commissions! All the while, you’ve trusted us to be your marketing partner, offering visual marketing solutions, including HDReal® Images and 3D Tours, that we believe create the most success for you and your sellers.

This month, we began offering Zillow 3D Home® Tours in select markets in addition to our already proven solutions. I want to explain the reason we’re excited to introduce these products, understanding that Zillow has a disruptive reputation in the industry we all love.


Virtuance’s relationship with Zillow

We’ve heard from many of you, asking important questions about Virtuance’s relationship with Zillow. Virtuance is working with Zillow as a preferred provider of Zillow’s 3D Home product. To dispel any rumors, Zillow has not bought nor invested in Virtuance.


The reason Virtuance is offering Zillow 3D Products

We decided to offer Zillow 3D Tours for one reason, and one reason only – we believe that utilizing these 3D Tour products helps you achieve our mutual goals of winning you more listings, and selling your listings faster and for more money. Here’s how:


  1. Priority Search Placement: When you order a Zillow 3D Home tour from Virtuance, Zillow will boost your listing on Zillow for 7 days, giving your listing much more exposure than it would have otherwise. With more home buyers searching on Zillow than any other website, this placement is incredibly important to your listing’s success.
  2. More Cost-Effective: Unlike other 3D Tour solutions, Zillow does not charge a hosting fee. This means that Virtuance can offer the product to you at a significantly lower price than other 3D Tours.
  3. Shareability: Zillow 3D Home tours can be shared anywhere, including on the MLS, your website, as well as on Zillow.com, giving you the versatility you need to market your listing how and where you want to. You can learn more about these benefits here.


What data does Zillow receive from Virtuance?

Virtuance does not sell any of your listing data to anyone, including Zillow.

Virtuance is not sharing any of your personal or listing data with Zillow beyond what Zillow receives from the 3D tour itself, which Zillow displays on Zillow.com only after your listing goes live.

As you may know, Zillow now receives your listing data via an IDX feed from the MLS. This means that any time you input a listing on the MLS, Zillow receives and displays all of your listing data, including any photos and 3D Tours. When you order a Zillow 3D Home Tour from Virtuance, the data Virtuance provides to Zillow is part of the data they are already receiving directly from your MLS.


Virtuance’s commitment to you

Virtuance’s commitment to you has not and will not change. Our entire team is passionate about your and your clients’ success, and when we help you sell homes faster and for more money, we all win. We will continue to innovate our products and services as we have over the last 10 years, to ensure we’re always providing you the best opportunity to achieve your and your clients’ goals. We’re committed now and always to creating an incredible experience for you and your clients.

Thanks as always for your trust and support, and here’s to your success.

Jeff Corn