Photo by William Krause on Unsplash


I get it. We all need another social media platform like we need another reality TV show. Your sphere is on established platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Are they on Clubhouse?

Not yet. Which is why you need to be there now.

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is an app available for iOS and Android users. The best way to describe Clubhouse is that it’s a real-time, interactive podcast platform. Users can join and create “rooms” either as scheduled or improv events. These rooms have “hosts” and “listeners”. Hosts have the ability to talk to the listeners. The listeners, well, listen. Hosts can invite the listeners to ask a question or join the conversation, making it fun and interactive.

Many influencers such as Gary Vee, Kevin Rose, and even Oprah frequent Clubhouse. Various real estate rooms cover marketing, industry trends, and casual hangouts with Realtors across the country.

What makes Clubhouse different is that you cannot save items for later. There are no recordings or visual content. If you’re not on Clubhouse when an event or a room is live, you’ll completely miss the content. Because of this, many users are coining Clubhouse as FOMO-inducing (fear of missing out).

How do I get on Clubhouse?

While Clubhouse used to be invite-only, it has been opened up for more users! Create a profile and get started!

How can Clubhouse help me with my real estate business?

If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu. If you’re willing to take a leap of faith, it’s well worth your time to explore the platform.

Here are a few reasons Clubhouse can improve your real estate marketing:

  • Create brand awareness – make a name for yourself! Join real estate rooms and contribute to the conversations.
  • Stay top of mind with previous client – create your own room and invite clients to join you to discuss real estate trends or even lifestyle topics such as gardening or cooking.
  • Be an early adopter – those that embrace new social platforms can reap the benefits of being an early adopter. Joining Clubhouse in these early stages allows you to secure the best username and establish a room that gets a lot of listeners.
  • Learn and improve – with so many influencers and real estate marketers on Clubhouse, you have an opportunity to learn a lot! Join a real estate marketing room while you’re making your morning coffee. Hop into a heated chat about Zillow while you’re checking emails.

Clubhouse is a great place to learn and build your brand, and you should try it out today!

Wanna learn about the latest real estate marketing trends? Once you join, follow me! (@michaelyates)