Blogs have become a go-to resource for learning and finding valuable information in the real estate world. However, if you already blog or are looking to start, navigating how often you should post can feel overwhelming! 

Why is blogging so important, and how consistently should you post to maximize your web presence and organic traffic? Keep reading to learn more about real estate blogging, then check out our suggestions for blog topics that will attract readers and nurture leads.

How consistently should I post real estate blogs?

There is no magic rule for how often you should post real estate blogs—it depends on your business needs and what you’re capable of with your time.

Do what’s best for you, but do it consistently—whether posting every day or once or twice a week!

Why is having a blog important for a real estate professional?

A blog is more beneficial for your real estate business than you think! By writing quality, keyword-enriched material, you can position yourself as an expert in the real estate world and your market. You’ll have a solid avenue for gaining new clients, staying visible to current ones, and maintaining valuable relationships with previous connections.

How can a real estate blog do this? Consider three ways:


If you want to be at the top of Google searches, you’ve got a great opportunity with blog posts! Blogs help drive web traffic to your webpage when you utilize popular SEO keywords and consistently supply your blog with new and relevant content. The more visible you make your blog by ranking in top search results, the more organic—and free—traffic you’ll garner for your business.

Lead generation

Blogging is an efficient and natural way to find leads easily. Plant a seed with your informative and knowledgeable web presence, then provide an opportunity for your reader to get in touch with you via a contact form when they’re ready.

When you nurture potential leads through a blog, you naturally allow valuable, highly qualified leads to present themselves to you.

Client connection

Connecting with clients and building trust is critical in any real estate agent’s success plan. When your relevant and timely blog posts rank high with search engines, you’re proving yourself to be knowledgeable and have the answers people want. 

To further engage your audience, enable comments on your posts! Directly engaging with your audience by allowing them to share their thoughts and experiences helps you to come across as personable.

What are some blog ideas for real estate?

If you’re ready to start planning your blog posts, consider who you’re looking to attract and what information they’re looking for. You’re not writing these blogs for your interest! 

Remember—the home buying and selling process can often seem daunting or confusing for many. Why not write informative posts and provide the “how-to” relating to these processes? 

Writing content relevant to your local area can also prove to be successful. Provide an insider’s point of view through your writing on neighborhoods, local attractions, and why the area is a great place to live. You will set yourself apart from national real estate websites without insider knowledge of the market!

How Virtuance can enhance your web presence

Virtuance knows how important it is for your website to look its best. That’s why we offer professional real estate photography with HDReal® images and marketing enhancements to boost your listings and secure more deals. We also provide free downloadable resources and have our own blog to help you brainstorm ideas for your postings! At Virtuance, you can trust that our content is made with real estate professionals in mind.


It depends on your schedule, needs, and what you feel would be best. There is merit to posting daily or just several times a week, so play around and see what is most successful in driving organic traffic to your website! 

The most important part is to remain consistent and stick to a schedule. 

Start by brainstorming and researching content relevant to your target audience and market, then utilize popular keywords and get to writing!

You’ll have to experiment to find the best way to generate organic traffic.  Still, with the right blog topics and keywords, you’ll establish a solid channel to nurture your leads and current connections.