Real estate photographers bring an arsenal of valuable skills to ensure listings make a splash. High-quality, aesthetically pleasing photos can increase a home’s value, boost your online presence, and impress potential buyers before they step foot on the property grounds!

Is a real estate photographer really worth hiring? Should you take real estate photos yourself? Read on to learn why hiring a certified real estate photographer will always be a worthwhile investment—then check out our image gallery to see the magic for yourself!

Benefits of hiring a certified professional real estate photographer

We’ve compiled a list of the top reasons you should hire a certified real estate photographer. From improved marketing to saving time and money, a real estate photographer is an investment worth making!

Professional photographs

Photography is an art with much more to it than just pointing and shooting your iPhone. Hiring a certified real estate photographer means working with someone who has invested in the equipment, time, and skills necessary to shoot and edit high-quality photos of properties. 

In addition, professional real estate photographers have a deep understanding of color, composition, and lighting. Professional photographers can produce aesthetically pleasing photos that an amateur photographer only dreams of.

If you’re looking to add to the professionalism of your brand, listings, and business, a certified photographer is your best bet!

Improved marketing

Real estate photographers aren’t just good for taking photos of property listings. There are plenty of ways to utilize this service to improve your marketing materials

You can use a professional real estate photographer’s images for print marketing, social media marketing, blogging, and website imagery. The opportunities are endless, and your brand will become more authoritative if your featured photographs are polished and professional.

Increased home value

Professional real estate photography can add value to a home, increasing the chance it’ll sell quickly and for more money. Creating images that highlight all a home has to offer elevates the value of a property in a buyer’s eye

The more people that find a property attractive, the more likely you’ll have genuinely interested buyers! Let your listings set the standard for what real estate photography should look like.

Build relationships

Establishing a relationship with a certified professional real estate photographer can provide valuable insight into what to highlight in your property listings. You can learn a lot about real estate imagery from a photographer, and there’s likely something they can learn from you as well. 

The real estate business is all about building relationships, so build as many as possible to ensure you and your connections thrive!

Save both time and money

As we’ve stressed throughout this article, beautiful, high-quality photographs require skill.

Don’t attempt to photograph a property yourself, as you’re likely wasting time doing something that a professional can do quickly without sacrificing quality. You already wear enough hats, so invest your time and efforts elsewhere in your business and leave the photography to the pros!

Additionally, you won’t have to pay for the equipment necessary to take photographs. If you’re going to try to argue for your phone camera, don’t. The quality doesn’t come close to that of a professional camera, and listing viewers will be able to tell the difference.

Better online presence

Investing in a certified real estate photographer will also boost your online presence. The real estate industry is competitive, and offering clients professional imagery to support your expertise is smart. 

It could make or break your chances of success. You only have a short window of time to capture—and keep—a potential buyer’s attention.

Virtuance offers certified real estate photographers

At Virtuance, we ensure that our professional photographers are all certified through the same training process. Doing so guarantees that they are visual marketing experts and can help boost your listings, social media posts, and more. 

If you want consistent, high-quality images across all your business platforms, trust our certified photographers with HDReal® imagery at Virtuance to deliver!


Our real estate photographers at Virtuance all undergo the same extensive training before being certified to head out into the field. This ensures that our entire team of photographers will bring you the beautiful, high-quality images you’ve come to know and love from Virtuance.

Costs for hiring a certified real estate photographer will vary based on location, image type, and additional enhancements requested by the client.

Professional real estate photos ensure that your listing is putting its best foot forward on the web. You have a short time to connect with a buyer looking for a property.

Your listing needs to stand out from the rest by utilizing high-quality, appealing imagery that creates demand!