Hiya, hiya, hiya! Welcome back to our listings of the week! This week, we’ve got a historic building, a beautiful chef’s kitchen, and a luxury listing in Arizona (and more!). Check out our favorite listings from this week:

Chef’s Kitchen in Boulder, Colorado

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4 beds | 2 baths | 2,660 sqft
List Price: $2,081,639
Burgess Group – 2615 6th Street, Boulder, Colorado

Historic Landmark Perrenoud Building in Denver, Colorado

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2 beds | 1 bath | 1,233 sqft
List Price: $525,000
Debbie Woodward – 836 E 17th Ave, #3D, Denver, Colorado

Breckenridge Beauty!

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4 beds | 3 bath | 2.754 sqft
List Price: $1,150,000
Rebecca Andersen – 327 Mountain View Dr, Breckenridge, Colorado

Timeless Modern Design in Golden, Colorado

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5 bed | 4 bath | 4,504 sqft
List Price: $1,200,000
Neal Qualkinbush – 2589 Alkire St, Golden, Colorado

Arizona Luxe Lifestyle

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4 bed | 5.5 bath | 5,297 sqft
List Price: $2,500,000
Greg Ehmann – 6137 E Bloody Bason Rd, Cave Creek, Arizona

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