Single listing websites offer a number of advantages for listing agents and their clients. The purpose of a single listing website is to highlight the specific features and amenities of a listing. These listing websites are typically set up as a scrolling landing page, which houses the real estate images, features, amenities, map view, school statistics, and more. 

In this post, we dive deeper into the reasons why real estate agents should use a single listing website to market their listing. 

Highlight specific listing features

Most third party websites, like Zillow, limit the amount of features you can highlight on your listing. Furthermore, they also limit the word count of the description. Single listing websites tend to be more flexible with the amount of information you can add about your property.

When you use a single listing website to market your listing, you can select features you want to highlight and even add your own. 

Features for Single Property Website
Feature options for your Single Listing Website – Virtuance Marketing Suite

Additionally, some single listing websites do not limit your listing description to 250 words like third party listing sites. You can certainly write about your listing in 250 words, however, studies have shown that listings with longer descriptions sell for more. For that reason alone, it’s great to have the flexibility to write a longer listing description when necessary without having to worry about a word limit. 

Allow for easy social sharing

Single listing websites have their own branded or non-branded website links for social sharing. When you have a unique website link to your listing, you empower your clients to share their home with their circles on social media. It also allows you to easily share your listing via email or Facebook Groups with buyers agents. 

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A single listing website cuts out all of the distractions that come with third party listing sites. It’s easy for someone looking at a listing on a third party site to click around and eventually move away from your listing. Avoid this unnecessary disadvantage by exclusively sharing your single listing website link. 

Build a more attractive listing appointment portfolio

When you start using single listing websites for your listings, you begin to build a strong listing appointment portfolio. Instead of showing potential clients your previous listings on a third party website, you can simply open the link to your single listing website.

Again, this limits distractions. Moreover, using a single landing page for your listing helps emphasize your marketing stack as well as your brand. Sellers will find that you’re a Realtor who takes marketing to the next level. Especially when your Single Listing Website features professional real estate photography. 

Digital Listing Templates
Digital listing flyers

There are many ways to crush your listing appointments, and showing sellers your single listing website is one. 

View real time statistics reports

Some Single Listing Website platforms allow you to view detailed statistics reports within the portal. While you can see traffic on your third party website, Single Listing Websites take it further with reports including average time on site, image views, top referrers, site visits, and even views by photo. 

Statistics for single property website
Statistics reports available on the Virtuance Marketing Suite

With reports that are this in depth, you have a better understanding of what is working and what needs tweaking. For example, your views are good but your average time on site is too fast. You may want to consider editing or lengthening your listing descriptions.

Statistics reports that capture more than just listing views help real estate agents better market their listings. 

How Virtuance can help real estate agents with single listing websites

With a single listing website, real estate agents have the flexibility to create a listing description without restrictions that third party sites often have. They also have a large bank of features to choose from with branded and unbranded links.

If you’re ready to try single listing websites and show off stunning real estate photography, consider using Virtuance. Every order comes with a single listing website and exclusive access to the Marketing Suite.