You’ve heard that you must start a blog to grow your real estate business, but if you’re trying to get more traffic to your website, blogging alone may not cut it. Writing for reputable companies in the real estate or home improvement industry has insurmountable benefits to you and your business. 

Here are just a few reasons why you should start guest posting today: 

Build brand awareness

The best way to build brand awareness as a real estate agent online is by leveraging another reputable one within the same space. When an established brand publishes your post on their blog, your exposure will skyrocket. All of their followers and viewers will learn about your real estate company and have a direct link back to your website. Your brand awareness will steadily grow as well-known brands continue to feature your content on their blogs. 

Boost link building

Linkbuilding is a significant factor in how Google ranks pages. The more reputable sites that point directly back to your website, the better. With guest posting, your website URL is visible on every website that features your post. When you write a guest post, make sure that the publisher shares your embedded links and does not change them to no-follow links. 

Grow social media following

Guest blogging gives you the chance to grow your social media accounts, which can help generate valuable leads. After your submitted guest post goes live, the blog owner will likely share the post link on their social channels. Hopefully, they will also tag your social page! Tagging you within the social post is something you can discuss in your pitch. 

How to land a guest post opportunity

Some real estate and home improvement companies have guest post submission forms on their website, while with others, you’ll have to send a well-written pitch. 

If you need to email a guest post pitch to a company contact:

  1. Make sure that it is personal but direct. 
  2. Let the contact know that you enjoy their company’s blog and think it would be beneficial to contribute.
  3. Offer the contact a few different topic ideas in your pitch.
  4. Grab attention with an engaging subject line. 

Are you a real estate agent interested in writing a guest post? We’d love to hear your pitch!