Streetscapes, Attractions, & Amenities

Capture the heart of the neighborhood

More than just a home, buyers and renters are searching for a community—and community images are key to capturing the essence of your home's neighborhood.

Our Community Images highlight the vibrant life, local culture, and amenities of the surrounding areas, attracting high-intent clients who are ready to find their next community. By showcasing these elements, you not only enhance the perceived value of your properties but also gain a competitive edge in the market.

*Please note that Community Images are being offered in replacement of our Subdivision Images product.

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Why market the community?

Increase Engagement to Listings

The way your property appears on a search will make up almost 90% of the decision criteria for a renter/buyer to decide to view your property or not.

High-quality, upscale visual content can better capture the essence and unique charm of neighborhoods and local attractions, captivating more potential customers.

Target a Higher-Intent Audience

Buyers and renters are looking for more than just their next home, they are looking for their next community.

Reach the right people and drive more high purchase-intent clients by showcasing the value and benefits an area has to offer.

Increase Property Value Perception

Community accessibility, appearance, and amenities are often considered by buyers and renters.

In order to enhance the perceived value of the properties within the neighborhood, you need to highlight its unique features and benefits—if you can highlight its proximity to highly desired amenities, you'll have a better chance of increasing the value of the home.

Build a Stronger Emotional Connection

Community images help prospects envision themselves not just in the property itself, but in the neighborhood and greater area.

Highlight the vibrant community life and local culture to harness a stronger sense of connection and belonging among prospective residents.

Build Trust & Credibility Through Local Expertise

Demonstrate your unique knowledge of the area by providing buyers and renters with an understanding of the neighborhood benefits and the local community.

Enhance Your Overall Property Presentation

According to NAR, 60% of buyers cited the quality of the neighborhood as the most important factor determining the location of their home.

With quality visuals and detailed information on properties, and by highlighting its neighborhood features and amenities, you can attract more clients.

Get your brand recognized

Position your business as a key player in the area with tailored, consistent visuals that highlight both your properties and their neighborhoods.

The value of your brand's presence and recognition are enhanced when you maintain a cohesive visual identity across your marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

If purchased together with a Twilight shoot, Community Images will be captured before sunset to ensure images can be collected before dark.

At this time, we are only offering this product as an add-on to our HDReal® image packages. However, we are working on the potential to allow this product to be ordered on its own so please check back in the future!

Stock images are more generic to the broader city and are used to showcase staple locations/attractions while Community is more localized to the property and its features in the immediate vicinity.

While there are a lot of similarities to our former Subdivision product, Community Images offers a larger mileage radius, and allows us to capture more locations and different features like streetscape shots. Because of this improvement, Community Images are now offered instead of our Subdivision product but offer an even better opportunity to capture the essence of your community.

Our Community Images can include popular community attractions such as parks, community pools, clubhouses, fitness centers, local businesses, recreational facilities, cultural landmarks, monument signs, streetscapes, and more! Need help generating ideas for what can be captured with Community images? Download our Community Images Checklist!

Our Community Images costs vary based on the number of images you want to receive and/or the locations you want captured. Package prices start at only $29 for (1) community location within a 2-block radius of the residential property.

Depending on your package size, you will be asked to provide between 1-5 locations for us to photograph. If you don’t provide specific locations, we will use our knowledge and discretion to best determine which amenities to photograph.

We take privacy very seriously and adhere to strict guidelines to ensure the privacy of residents and their communities. Our photographers focus on capturing public spaces and amenities without intruding on private property. As such, we will not photograph schools or any space where individuals are present and can be easily identified.

Community Images Location Checklist

Curious which amenities are most important to buyers when capturing the essence of your neighborhood? We created a comprehensive checklist of all the valuable amenities and features that could help sell your listing.